A few weeks ago I received an email from a Business Analyst with whom I worked with on a project at a former workplace (which I left to pursue another opportunity). He informed me that he and a few other BA’s at the company had been recounting some of the best Testers that had worked at the company and that my name had come up (it’s always nice to be mentioned in good company).
He went on to inform me that a portion of a particular project on which I worked (I was the Software Tester for that portion), along with him and a few other individuals was one that turned out to be very successful – the application (as well as the portion of it that I tested) was running smoothly in the production environment and the application users were very happy with it.
I kindly thanked him for sharing the good news, and told him that everybody’s contribution to the project is what made it successful and that it was important to keep that in mind, as quality is everybody’s responsibility. My job, and responsibility as the Software Tester, was to test application as I did, and find good, valuable information about the quality of the application just as I did, so that the business stakeholders were able to use the information that I discovered and use it to make good business decisions about the application.
Happy to hear things have gone well so far.